be at the source, trust yourself and play your game through your guiding principle
Your resources
Thought Stream
Empty your mind every morning as soon as you wake up. Write it out. Don’t question anything or censor what’s there. Just write until you feel there is nothing left and your machine-like mind is not running its usual patterns. Let them fall away and dissolve. The creative you comes through when all the crap is out of the way...
Rejack Switch
You are instructing the brain to be collaborative, using much more of the brain’s capacity, enabling creativity and a deeper connection to others. Your experience will be different to anyone else’s and will be unique to you. There is no right or wrong way to do this.
Sense Stream
The same brain regions are stimulated when we visualise an action as when we perform an action. Use Sense Stream to support your game. Create new patterns in your brain by curating what you let in through your senses. Be mindful. By creating a sensory blueprint, you start to rejack reality from the inside out.
KaiYin & KaiYang
We recommend practising KaiYin and KaiYang on alternate days. Feel free to design your own KaiYin and KaiYang practice. Reconnect to your dojo space when preparing for your mind/body/spirit training sessions.
Energy Rejack
Use this practice to really take care of yourself and reset your body and mind’s natural equilibrium through nutrition, water, sleep, light, nature and connection.
Personal Game Immersions
At the core of your KaiFlow experience are timed daily flow state sessions. The Game Immersions. A short breathing will drop you into the alpha-theta brain state, where deep and profound creativity is possible. In this state, anxiety and self-doubt fall away. You are inside every moment. With each moment expanding, possibility can occur as infinite. You will drop in from your Guiding Principle with a clear intention for your game and let go of all attachment to outcomes.
Lucid Playhouse
By rewriting and reimagining the situation as a new story and film just before sleep, let your subconscious work out new ways to transform your life experience. For inspired creativity, richness, health and wealth of experience, harness the power of your subconscious mind with Lucid Playhouse.
Kai Zen
Reflect on the week’s practices. Acknowledge where you have been in each of the practices and where you haven’t. Do not carry over anything you’ve missed. Plan your practice: KaiYin and KaiYang, Game Immersions and Energy Rejack. Schedule in your diary for the coming week.