The practice of Kai Zen in KaiFlow is to renew the heart, reconnect, and remember who you are. To acknowledge and complete.
Experience completion at the end of each day and at the end of each week.
Completion Practice
Reflect on the day’s/ week’s practices. Acknowledge where you have been in each of the practices and where you haven’t. Do not carry over anything you’ve missed, such as KaiYin and KaiYang from day to day or week to week. Do not carry over any feelings of guilt. Be kind to yourself. Let go of everything at the end of each day so that you can create afresh tomorrow.
End of the Week Completion
Reflect on the week.
If there was anything missing, take the learning and let go.
Take deep rest and restoration.
Play, bathe, be in nature, meditate, massage, float…
Connect deeply to yourself, others and the planet.