We are always creating our experience. We are always creating our world.

We are creating the games we play even when we are not conscious of it. Most of the time, we go into our day creating another version of yesterday.

Thought Stream gives a way to get your automatic thoughts out in a stream of consciousness. You will become the observer of your thought patterns through this exercise, rather than being swept along in them with no conscious awareness. You are practising to hover over your thought stream. You will gain objectivity - the ability to separate old, default, ingrained thought patterns from creative thinking. You can then enter your day consciously creating your games, experience and world.


Pen and notebook by the side of your bed.


Empty your mind every morning as soon as you wake up. Write it out. Don’t question anything or censor what’s there. Just write until you feel there is nothing left and your machine-like mind is not running its usual patterns. Let them fall away and dissolve. The creative you comes through when all the crap is out of the way...


There is no reflection with this practice. There is nowhere to get to. Nothing to do. Just freedom from habitual thought patterns.

Wake Up... Start Dreaming.