imagineering your projects, social games, and life play, through your guiding purpose


Your resources

Kai Breath

Practise Kai Breath every day. Notice what you feel and where you feel in your body and keep being present. Create a new relationship with the fear, so you are not ignoring or pushing it down.

Let your fear BE and it will let you BE.

Guiding Purpose

As you immerse in your Guiding Purpose, clarity and power will emerge. Be with whatever emotions come. Don’t worry about having exact words - this is about it resonating with you so deeply that when you connect to yourself and others through your Guiding Purpose, it will begin to have a life of its own.

Value Rejack

Notice anywhere you have a loss of power in yourself and with others. Where you have sold out or given away your value and not loved or honoured yourself. Commit to reclaiming it in every area of your life. This could be forgiveness of yourself, acknowledging yourself or another. Let be and let go.

SlipStream and Game Map

Sense Streaming becomes SlipStreaming when integrating your deep purpose in all your sensory imagineering. Without action, we can forget the new possibility, choices and doorways. Update your Game Map to include new people you are sensing in your SlipStream.

Kaiyin & Kaiyang Arts

When creating your training plan, consider creating the environment and pitch you are playing on. You can re-imagine your whole physical practice. Combine sports with creativity, re-mix and reinvent. Football in the forest, running and art, gaming and swimming, writing and yoga.

Energy Rejack

Use this practice to really take care of yourself and reset your body and mind’s natural equilibrium through nutrition, water, sleep, light, nature and connection.

Social Game Immersions

Use your Game Map. Each game immersion will generate social actions to take. Make those actions part of your game. Be in communication with your teams and communities from your Guiding Purpose to fulfil your games out in the world. 

Lucid Playground

For five minutes pre-sleep imagine, visualise yourself in your teams and in the spaces you are creating. The studio, organisation, arena or environment from where you are creating and playing your games. Imagine how it is going at the moment. How you would like it to be going.

Kai Zen

Reflect on the week’s practices. Acknowledge where you have been in each of the practices and where you haven’t. Do not carry over anything you’ve missed. Plan your practice: KaiYin and KaiYang Arts, Social Game Immersions and Energy Rejack. Schedule in your diary for the coming week.