The same brain regions are stimulated when we visualise an action as when we actually perform an action.

For example, when you visualise lifting your right hand, it activates the same part of the brain as when you actually lift your right hand. 

World chess games have been won through visualising matches over and over again. Basketball hoops have been made in high pressure games through team visualisation. 

Use Sense Stream to support your game. Create new patterns in your brain by curating what you let in through your senses. Be mindful. Creating a sensory blueprint, you start to Rejack Reality from the inside out. 


If you find it easy to visualise, close your eyes. If you prefer to write out your Sense Stream, grab a pen and notebook. You can also record your Sense Stream on your phone and play it back if you respond to auditory soundscapes. Doing all of these throughout the six weeks will develop your Sense Streaming. 


Sense Streaming is the relationship between imagination and physical potential. 

In the KaiFlow practice, Sense Streaming is not just visualising, but using all five senses to imagine a new reality- a Reality Rejack. 

See, feel, hear, taste and smell your intentions being fulfilled now.

Headphones on for full experience.


This practice is only effective when experiencing the sensory emotions now, in the present moment. We open new doorways to new realities.

Create visuals and audios to support new insights from your Sense Streaming with screen savers, voice notes, new tastes, smells and textures in your environment.

New actions create a new reality.