The amygdalae are two tiny sacs of neurons in the brain, often referred to as the amygdala.
The amygdala is the heart of the brain - the emotional hub. It has learned from your experiences what feels good and what doesn’t. Like an emotional magnet, the amygdala repels what is dangerous to you and embraces the things that give you pleasure. It ensures your survival.
The amygdala learns the connections between our actions and reactions. Every emotional response is stored by the amygdala in order to keep us safe.
The amygdala sits between the reactive part of the brain which contains fight or flight mode and the reflective prefrontal cortex where positive feelings and emotions are experienced, as well as creativity, intellect and complex problem-solving.
Sometimes the amygdala gets stuck in reactive/ survival mode which can lead to anxiety, negative thoughts and emotions.
This is just a brain habit rather than a default setting.
The ReJack Switch will help you to connect to your untapped creativity, intellect and pleasure and can free you from the constraints of your Machine Mind.
Using the ReJack Switch, you are instructing the brain to be collaborative, using much more of the brain’s capacity, enabling creativity and deeper connection to others.
Be in a quiet safe space.
Headphones on for full experience.
Notice if you feel any physical opening sensation across your forehead, around your ears, tingling over your face. A more switched on, tuned in experience with a lack of any negative sensations or thought patterns. You may experience a shift in mood.
Your experience will be different to anyone else’s and will be unique to you. There is no right or wrong way to do this.
Be open and keep playing with this practice. Use this throughout the day. The ReJack Switch can become an automatic, integrated technique.