We recommend practising KaiYin and KaiYang on alternate days. Feel free to design your own KaiYin and KaiYang practice.

Reconnect to your dojo space when preparing for your mind/body/spirit training sessions.

Remember there is no one to compete with and nothing to conquer but your own limiting beliefs.

Traditionally, Yang has been associated with male energy and Yin with female energy. In KaiFlow, both are understood in non-binary terms. The Kai in KaiYin and KaiYang encourages you to bring more fluidity into your physical practice.


KaiYang refers to cardiovascular / endurance/ callisthenics mindful strength practice.

E.g. Ashtanga Yoga, Dancing, Surfing, Running, Boxing, Kung Fu, Crossfit, Skating, Climbing, Boarding

Ensure you have a balance of mindful strength training with endurance and cardiovascular.


KaiYin is a restorative physical practice. It is often internal, holistic and exploratory.

E.g. Yin Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Qigong, Foam Rolling, Dynamic Stretching, Martial Arts

Let go. Presence and attention are key aspects in making a yin-style training session not just a workout for your body, but for your brain and nervous system.

How to bring fluidity into your practice:

We can find yin in yang and yang in yin - for example the space between a simple one - two punch can become fascinating and beautiful if you are so immersed in each micro moment. At this level of presence, it could be said there is yin and yang in every activity. Yin can be explored in the step back and retreat of any martial arts or boxing sequence or in any recovery between exertion in KaiYang. Bringing mindfulness to the intervals between exertion could be considered KaiYin. Dancing moves between KaiYin and KaiYang.

As with all of the KaiFlow practices, when you are in your KaiYang and KaiYin physical sessions, let go of the end results. Focus on what you’re doing, in every moment, from your Guiding Principle. Your exercise can become your immersive practice. You can Sense Stream between sets, between intervals, between waves.

With nowhere to get to and nothing to prove, you can reimagine and recreate your physical practice in every moment.

When creating your game, consider creating the environment and pitch you are playing on. Know that you can reimagine your whole physical practice. Combine sports, mix them up, remix and reinvent. Football in the forest, dance with swimming, surfing and yoga.