Energy Rejack
We have been trained to value the peaks or crests in life: Peak performance, winning, improvement. The valleys or troughs in life are not valued. Only focusing on the peaks by constantly doing more and working harder is not the way. Rewinding, restoring and letting go opens up more possibility and is a powerful access to rejacking your reality.
In KaiFlow we practice and celebrate the valleys. The valleys are the Let Go and Restoration phases of life. Let go, Restoration and sleep enable you to harness your negative capacity or dormant capability.
The peaks and troughs are equally important, and so are the curves in between. Our bodies and minds don’t like extremes; they like being in flow.
Use the Energy ReJack to really take care of yourself and re-set your body and mind’s natural equilibrium through nutrition, water, sleep, light, nature and connection.
In KaiFlow we’re not interested in diets. Prepare and research a nutritional plan that works for you. Keep a food diary to find out which foods suit you. Notice which foods give you energy and which drain you. Notice where you are eating emotionally. Most of the time we are not hungry, we just eat to suppress emotion. Become conscious to why you are eating. Listen to what works for your body.
Twenty-four hour fasts and juicing days weekly can be a way of giving your body a break and restoration.
Drink two litres of water each day. Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake - they interrupt your sleep cycle. As you reduce them, you will honour your body and mind with deep rest and recovery.
Daylight, Fresh Air, Nature
It isn’t a myth that fresh air is beneficial for you. It aids digestion, strengthens the immune system and improves blood pressure. Daylight boosts serotonin levels in the brain, increasing energy levels and creating inner calm. Being in nature reduces blood pressure and reduces stress levels. Walk, run, exercise in nature.
Connect to your environment. Be present in each moment.
Sleep can be restorative for more reasons than we realise. Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night but the quality of our sleep is also really important. Deep sleep regulates metabolism, cell regeneration and strengthens the immune system. So much healing happens when we are asleep.
To prepare for sleep, ensure your room is as cool, dark and quiet as possible. Withdraw from screens at least one hour before you sleep.
Sleep by Max Ritcher: This is a beautiful eight-hour composition designed to be played while you sleep, as an immersive experience.